Front News

Fight for Reproductive Rights kicks off @ Your Local Courthouse Today

The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade has officially been released. We are walking out of our homes and work places NOW and protesting at our nearest courthouse.


Will you walk out with us, Warrior? We are calling on everyone to walk out of their workplaces, their homes, their businesses, and head to your local courthouse at 5pm. The vast majority of this country supports the right to abortion. When we walk out together, our collective power will shut down the nation and say loud and clear that we will not go back.


The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was already leaked to the public and we didn’t expect it to be meaningfully changed. The sweeping decision overturns a half-century of legal precedent, stripping the right to abortion from the American people and paving the way for states to criminalize abortion in every single case. This decision will threaten the lives of everyone who can become pregnant.


We are walking out NOW. Wear red, walk out of your home or workplace, and head to your local courthouse tonight at 5pm.


Women’s March Foundation relies on support from our members. Your contributions make our work possible.

We will not sit back while progress on human rights is turned back a half-century, Warrior. Head to your local courthouse tonight at 5pm.


Now that the Supreme Court has stripped the right of bodily autonomy from anyone who can become pregnant, the entire feminist movement must pour into the streets in protest. Protests will form around local courthouses, and everyone in support of the right to abortion will wear red to signal our commitment and our anger at this unacceptable encroachment on our fundamental rights.


Donate now to show your support for the right to abortion and help support Women’s March Foundation as we move forward into a post-Roe America. The future won’t be easy, Warrior, but we can count on each other. 

The extremist anti-woman and anti-queer factions that have taken over our judicial system do not represent us or our country, Warrior. Together, we can build a better nation that respects the rights and autonomy of everyone. It will take time, but I have faith and hope that we will win — together.


See you at the courthouse at 5pm tonight — wearing red!

In Solidarity,


Women’s March Foundation Team


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